So many emotions, thoughts, and actions surrounding money. What does it mean to be financially healthy? Become financially healthy, discover the financially rich life according to Jesus, develop a biblical worldview of your bank account, and have the freedom to enthusiastically participate in God’s work in your world and the world.
2/2 - We kind of know what direction we want to take with our finances, but we have fears, doubts, and questions. The common narrative we often
hear is, “It is what it is,” so we often end up wandering aimlessly. But no direction or vision for your finances leaves you joyless and financially sick.
2/9 - Money isn’t purely rational, it’s also emotional. Because of that, it can lead us to making emotionally “hot” decisions, reacting rashly and leading us into places of debt and no margin. What if Jesus provided a solution?
2/16 - The desire for “more” can impact every area of our lives and it can take over without us noticing. But what’s all this “more” for? How can we avoid feelings of emptiness and dissatisfaction in the endless pursuit of more?
2/23 - It’s easier to complain about a situation than to improve our situation. If you’re in a financially unhealthy situation, God provides a solution that’s designed to bring you freedom.