Roamin’ Through Romans: Back to the Future

God has a mission to restore humanity back to His original design for them, found in the Garden of Eden. Discover God’s vision for a new humanity brought by Jesus’ work.

6/2 - Placing your confidence in Jesus can open your eyes to what He’s saved you from and for.

6/9 - Dying to the old and living in the new is both a one-time event and a continual lifestyle. Sometimes it’s easy, other times it’s not. Either way, life is the result. 

6/16 - The boundaries God’s given us are made to show us how great He is, not how bad we are. Altering your focus can possibly alter your future. 

6/23 - You can be confident that Jesus did what He said He would in the past, but placing your trust in Him to act in alignment with His character today is another part of the story.